Work stress has left me with little energy for anything else, yet a few things bear mentioning:

Listening/watching: We met a friend the other day at BAM to watch a documentary on Arthur Lee and Love, a person/band about whom I knew little, except I’ve always been a big fan of their two best-known songs, “Seven & Seven Is” (the fiercest song of 1966) and “Alone Again Or.” So now Forever Changes is at the top of the household rotation and is a perfect soundtrack to the first really hot days of summer.

Eating: Way too much of this has been done on the town lately. So tonight we’re scaling that back with bounty that I picked up yesterday at the local farmer’s market. I have green beans, red scallions, garlic scapes (I’ve been dying to try these), fresh tomatoes, flat-leaf parsley, and corn. I’m thinking of making a nice big salad out of those and serving it with veggie burgers. Also, I’ve been stuffing myself with fresh blueberries and cherries.

Watching: Netflix has sent us the first disk of the sole season of Freaks and Geeks, which is looking very good so far.